So, the time has come for total spazzing.
I am spazzing out constantly. I have nine different calendars on ical to track my classes and obligations (The Citizen, Photography and the book, American Studies Plan Seminar, Tutorial with Kate, Tutorial with John, Topics in Algebra and Pre-calculus, committees, and work. Ok, I guess that's on 8 but I am on three different committees).
After that first initial burst of writing I haven't written anything else, or really done any significant Plan work for days, I wasted the whole weekend baking and being lazy, and now I'm at work but I'm so tired all I want to do is surf the internet. In one week I have to turn in my next book, a portrait book, and of course I'm going to photograph Dan, because I want to and because logistically it makes the most sense, but I don't really want to be "that girl," the one who takes pictures of her boyfriend, I take enough dang pictures of him, but I shouldn't pretend like I don't want to do it of him just because it will be embarrassing. Art classes are really always embarrassing and basically excruciating but making the book will be fun.
And finally, I leave you with this thought: In our product-driven, hygiene-obessed culture, where odor is anathema to everything we believe in, how come no one has marketed pocket/purse-sized air fresheners? For, you know, when you're in a public facility, and you heed the call of nature... you know? This is a million dollar idea! Why isn't this product yet available?!?!
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