January 1, 2006: I wrote nothing. My first entry of 2006 came on 1/5 and was this: "1. I picked the wrong guy. And then I didn't even write about what it was like to go to the jail and sit in a dingy room watching the insider while i could hear the prisoners walking by in leg shackles right on the other side of the door. I'm terrible at this."
February 1, 2006: Fate Dates the Weatherman (redux)
Well, my day started off pretty good, because I did laundry last night and so I had clothes to put on. That was a good thing. But then, when I was driving to school, I ran out of gas. The gods were punishing me for my hubris.
March 1, 2006:
On the first of March, on the holiday...
Phew. I like photography again. Actually today I love it. Why? Because photography is what Ash Wednesday is all about (at least for T.S. Eliot)
"Because I know that time is always time
And place is always and only place
And what is actual is actual only for one time
And only for one place
I rejoice that things are as they are and
I renounce the blessed face
And renounce the voice
Because I cannot hope to turn again
Consequently I rejoice, having to construct something
Upon which to rejoice."
April 1, 2006:
Today would be a very good day for putting on a dress and walking somewhere. Instead I'm going to pick up my car. Poor car. They tell me he'll never be the same.
May 1, 2006
Things are very boring with me. I mostly work. I am almost done but not totally done and can't seem to push myself over the edge.
June 1, 2006
So, in lieu of employment to occupy me lately, I've been "working out" as the kids say. Obviously I'm very much a newbie (or N00B if you prefer) at this, but I am really enjoying it. Up until yesterday I was just using the elliptical trainer that jake found on the street which is now in our basement. Yesterday, though, I decided to go for a run. I did a walk/run for twenty minutes, which is the same amount of time I'd been spending on the elliptical. I didn't expect any negative consequences, since the consequences thus far have been all positive but OW PAVEMENT I HATE YOU MY LEGS ARE SO SORE OW. It hurts to sit down, it hurts to stand up. My legs hurt! That is very annoying!
July 1, 2006
I am having a rough time of it, work and school and money wise, but tonight thanks to the beneficence of my friends in the artistic community Nikki and I got to see MOVIN' OUT!
August 1, 2006
September 1, 2006
Hi! I'm in vermont! I like it here. I like my house!

I like to drink tea, but it's sort of a lot of work for not a lot of payoff.
I dyed my hair again, a darkish brown with hints of red. I like it ok. I'll see how it looks in the morning, and after a few washes
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